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Prorestore Products Un Duz It 1 Gallon

Un Duz It


Availability: In stock.

Product Name Price Qty
Un Duz It - 1 Gallon $36.81
Un Duz It - 1 Case - 4 Gallons

Regular Price: $147.24

Special Price: $139.88

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Quick Overview

Prorestore Products Un Duz It is one part in this two-step process that is so highly effective at digesting and eliminating new and old pet soils on carpets and furniture. It is ideal for residential cleaning where pet stains are a frequent problem. It can revolutionize the way your customers clean pet-related stains. It's the product that makes both pet owners and cleaners happy!


• Completely digests organic wastes
• Environmentally Safe
• Contains NO Harsh Chemicals, that means no bleaches or oxidizers to strip color by mistake
• Effective on both old, set and dried stains as well as and fresh odor sources
• Safe to humans and pets

ODORx UN-DUZ-IT harnesses Mother nature's natural powers to eliminate organic odors "naturally." UN-DUZ-IT utilizes all natural bio-enzymatic activity as a catalyst for the decomposition of organic related odors and related staining.

ODORx UN-DUZ-IT contains a special odor counteractant system that works quickly, suppressing malodors instantly upon application. UN-DUZ-IT is carefully formulated to resist resoiling and when used properly, organic odors are permanently removed, deterring future animal related soiling.

A System for Pet Odors that Works!
When tackling jobs that involve pet urine, most products don't effectively address the smell and stain. Prorestore has a winning product set - The ODORx Un-Duz-It™ Pet Odor Removal System. Its two components, Urinse and Un-Duz-It, work together to completely eliminate urine-related problems on rugs and other surfaces. But how - what makes it better?

As urine ages, it becomes stickier (an alkaline salt) and less water soluble, and that makes it harder to clean and extract, especially when trapped in carpet and pad. ODORx Urinse's acidic formulation dissolves these residues and neutralizes the ammonia generated by microbial activity no matter how long the urine deposits have been in place. Urinse is the pretreatment. It removes most of the urine stain residue and sets up Un-Duz-It to finish the job.

Attacking Pet Stains and Smells with Enzymes
Urinse utilizes bioenzymes - microscopic digesters released by friendly microorganisms that attack and digest a wide variety of bad smelling molecules. Customers must be sure to give the microorganisms time to grow and produce enough enzymes to be effective (see paragraph below for dwell times). The Urinse pretreatment removes the majority of urine residues.

That's why Un-Duz-It is the second step. It also has bioenzymes combined with highly refined odor control chemistry to finish the job on any residual urine particles and ammonia smell.

Additional Information

Manufacturer Prorestore
Application / Use Pet Odor Decontaminant and Urine Stain Removal on carpet and wet cleanable fabrics
Urinse + Un Duz It User Guide | Left Click to view .PDF | Right Click and Save Link As to Download .PDF

Pet Stain and Odor Removal on most carpet or furniture using Urinse + Un Duz It - Remove dry contamination and/or loose soil. Clean and decontaminate affected area with ODORx URINE Pre-Spotter: Wet vacuum or blot decontaminated area with white absorbent material. Rinse affected area with clear water and re-vacuum and/or re-blot. Remove as much moisture as possible by wet vacuuming or covering area with white absorbent material and suitable weight. Shake UN-DUZ-IT well before using. For heavy odors and related staining, mix 3 parts UN-DUZ-IT to 1 part water. Thoroughly spray, wipe, pour or inject UN-DUZ-IT solution onto problem areas. Un-DUZ-IT must contact organic odor sources to be effective. If odor persists, ensure that all all odor sources have been located and treated or refer to the ODORx Pet Odor Decontamination Manual.
Note: Use mixed solution within 4 hours of preparation. Do not use with hot water, bleach, disinfectants/antimicrobials, or harsh chemicals. They will make the product less effective.

Important: Allow 10-15 minutes dwell time for Urinse to dissolve the sticky urine residues. For Un-Duz-It, the dwell time is at least an hour at room temperature - longer is better. Un-Duz-It's additional dwell time is critical as the microbes need time to multiply and generate enzymes, then the enzymes need time to break down the organic debris. Want to go the extra mile for the the customer, then place plastic sheeting (a cut up grocery bag works great also) on top of the treatment area to slow evaporation of Un Duz It, increasing the dwell time and improving the overall results. This will also ensure (hopefully) that the homeowner doesn't try to disturb the treatment area until it has dried completely.

Also, don't apply an antimicrobial until the good bioenzymatic organisms have had time to do their job or else the antimicrobial will wipe them out.
Dilution(s) See directions
Approvals Not Applicable
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Packaging 1 Gallon | 4 Gallons/Case
pH 9.5 @ Ready to Use
S.D.S. Left Click to view .PDF | Right Click and Save Link As to Download .PDF
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